Our women's health services at Regroup are designed to support mental well-being before, during, and after pregnancy, birth, fertility treatment and hormone induced mental ill-health
This includes:
- Assessment of contributing factors and treatment plans for each concern
- Understanding underlying concerns and how these are inter-related
- Living daily life whilst experiencing grief and loss
- Managing daily responsibilities and roles, whilst living with significant health and wellbeing challenges (EG: post c-section, difficult birth)
- Supporting women after a traumatic health care experience
- Clinical problem solving to find treatment options when not being able to take regular medication for diagnoses (EG: pregnant and unable to take ADHD medication, usual psychotropic medication etc) in collaboration with other treating team members
- Clinical mental health support following a birth (birth trauma) with options for assertive treatment to enable optimal recovery quickly
- Support in preparation for birth - managing mental health before, during, and after birth, including the “4th trimester” and beyond.
- Specialised service for heightened anxiety or past mental ill-health which is particularly useful if there is a past history of mental ill-health or heightened anxiety around perinatal mental health stability
- Managing hormone fluctuations and distinguishing between biological mental health concerns and mental health symptoms secondary to hormones (or both)
- Family therapy
- Couples therapy